On this plane and who sits next to me? An idiot who still wears a mask. Can we ship these people to Rikers Island already?
There are perfectly legitimate reasons to wear a mask:
  1. May have been diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease (TB, Flu, Hantavirus, Legionnaires disease, etc). Perhaps he was protecting everyone he came into contact with, including you.
  2. May have an auto-immune disease or condition (on chemo e.g.) and is much more susceptible to things that a healthy immune system would easily fend off.
It is deeply concerning that you jump to conclusions and suggest imprisonment for something so benign as wearing a mask for reasons you have no clue about.
diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease
then he should stay home instead of going around infecting others
auto-immune disease or condition (on chemo e.g.)
the mask makes it way worse, recycling his exhales and growing bacteria and fungus colonies in the mask
It is deeply concerning that you don't question "authority"
This is somewhat true, people who wear masks for extended periods have shown to develope gingivitis compared to those that did not wear a mask
then he should stay home instead of going around infecting others
So you acknowledge that airborne diseases can infect others. Wow. There is hope for you yet.
the mask makes it way worse, recycling his exhales and growing bacteria and fungus colonies in the mask
This is pure bullshit. When you are getting surgery, insist that the surgeon and medical team take off their masks, for their own safety.
What's your source?
you know what surgical masks are for, stop being a clown accomplice in mass murder
next time i go on an airplane with an open surgery wound i'll be pissed if the guy next to me doesn't wear a surgical mask
Accomplice to mass murder? Really. That's an unhinged accusation there champ. Just so I am clear, wearing a mask is somehow linked to mass murder? Is that your position?
you have no clue, and that is not an excuse in law
i don't argue facts
to make someone wear a mask it's also involuntary servitude
not an excuse in law
When did law come into this thread?
i don't argue facts
You don't state facts.
to make someone wear a mask it's also involuntary servitude
How is this relevant to what we are discussing? But since you bring up the topic, do you say the same thing about wearing seatbelts?
What sort of mask? Did it have a zip over the mouth? lol
That’s the mask under his mask, it had a zipper
You know I see a bunch of idoits wear chin diapers.