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Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. Let’s share dad jokes here in the comments for all to enjoy!
A father and son were walking down the street one day and they saw two dogs having sex. The son asked Dad, what are those dogs doing? The dad says son, they are making a puppy. About 2 weeks later the son walks in on the dad and mom having sex in their bedroom. Later the son asks his dad, what were you and Mommy doing? The dad says well son, we were making a baby. The son says next time turn mommy over. I'd rather have a puppy.
I was at a funeral home for a visitation and one of the employees tried selling me casket. I told him that was the last thing I need!
From the "lame dad jokes" file.... Q: Why is Six afraid of Seven? A: Because Seven ate (Eight) Nine :-)
A father asks his ten-year-old son,Johnny, if he knows about the birds and the bees. 'I don't want to know,' Johnny says, bursting into tears. Confused, the father asks Johnny what is wrong. 'Oh Daddy,' Johnny sobs. 'At age six i got the "there's no Santa" speech. At age seven i got the "there's no Easter bunny" speech. Then at age eight you hit me with the "there's no tooth fairy" speech! If you're going to tell me now that grown-ups don't really screw, I've got nothing left to live for'.
did you hear about the kidnapping?
.... no?!
he woke up
This is a classic meme, I didn't create - but still funny:
I Won't joke on Dads. But 'Dad Jokes only when Mom's not arournd.'
I’m not sure how Dad Humor got such a bad rap to begin with. It’s the word “Dad” and the word “Humor,” which, as we all know, are two excellent things! But you put them together and suddenly it’s like “cookies and ass.” It just somehow doesn’t work.
One problem is that most so-called Dad Jokes are not really for kids. They depend on puns, which many children can’t really process yet, even if they get the reference; and that’s a big “if.”
Happy Father’s Day to all you dads that are stackers!! You guys are providing your families with the best future anyone can give. Well done!