Precisely. And using it (the zprv) on Sparrow shows me the opening transaction just fine.
That's what's bugging me. Where did that last address came from? :/
I followed #464537. And also used Zeus/Blixt besides Sparrow. Weirdly enough, Zeus/Blixt shows stuff as if it was a new wallet, they didn't recover neither tx nor previous channels.
Oh, and I used the Static Channel Backup file, so it might have being corrupted and could have messed up the recovering process...
intrigued, I assumed maybe something went wrong in the xprv root key convert stage?
No clue what happened to be honest... And the weird part is that Blixt/Zeus show conflicting info, comparing it to Sparrow as once the channel closed, I even tried to restore the wallet on both Zeus and Blixt, without the SCB file, to see if the address from the forced close managed to appear. No luck even so...
2024-06-16 07:45 (7 hours ago)
maybe try again after 24 hours. 👀
Yeah, I thought about the "recentness" of the transaction. But even so, shouldn't it appear as pending in the wallet even being only in the mempool (without any confirmations)?