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Hey fellow stackers. One question ¿should we face publicly what seems inappropriate and dangerous to us or look to the other side?
When I joined the site, I realized that this could be the Wild West. Stacker.news Terms of Service allow for a wide variety of content, so only self-moderation could keep us relatively civilized. The years on the Internet have made me more seasoned, I don't have sensitive skin to a lot of stuff. Until today, again.
Although our Content Standards, following the First Amendment, do not proscribe offensive speech, we strongly encourage you to ensure that your User Contributions are cordial and civil. The foundation of a free society requires people to peacefully settle their differences through dialogue and debate.
Our policy on “hate speech” is to allow all speech which is permitted by the First Amendment and to disallow all speech which is not permitted by the First Amendment. We allow hate speech, as defined in New York law, if it is lawful because it is lawful. We reserve the right to remove speech when it is unlawful because it is unlawful.
For avoidance of doubt, speech which is merely offensive or the expression of an offensive or controversial idea or opinion, as a general rule, will be in poor taste but will not be illegal in the United States.
Days ago there was one comment that triggered very negative emotions in me, but I let it go because it's just another comment in the sea of bad taste called the internet.
Today, by chance, I came across another comment from the same user. It was the confirmation that this could be someone deeply confused. Was the first comment a joke? Was he just parroting what he had read or heard because it amused him? Does he hate others that much? Just First Amendment things?
This time it provoked a sense of bewilderment in me. How can one want to banish immigrants and at the same time be or want to be one? Are those feelings of superiority?
In no way is this directed at him personally. It just happened to be his turn to be today's example. Lastly, it seems risky to me that by making a meaningless comment, which could become inflammatory and in this cancel culture, to jeopardize the brands he represents.
In general, I don't think this place has been inundated with hate speech so far, just some very tasteless ones. I'm afraid I'm probably putting my well-being and mental health at stake. I like to think that I still have some common sense and humanity. And of course I have enough with my own contradictions. Thanks and sorry.
Bitcoin knows no borders, non è vero?
I've muted people, it works great. No hassle, no stress.
First of all, I would stop using the term "hate speech". Nobody can define it.
I'm highly critical on the current mass migration to western countries and I migrated myself. This is not hypocritical, as I don't expect the host country to take care of me. Open borders and a welfare state just don't go together.
First of all, I would stop using the term "hate speech". Nobody can define it.
Great point.
Open borders and a welfare state just don't go together.
I agree with this. But then they shouldn't say "auslander raus". They should say "out with the welfare state" instead. It seems that most people that are against immigration love the welfare state but only for themselves. That's what I see as hypocritical.
I'm highly critical on the current mass migration to western countries and I migrated myself.
If you are a productive individual you should be fine, regardless of what happens to western countries. I was born in a 'western' country and I had to leave because society is not welcoming to me. I still visit, but now I don't see myself settling down in a 'western' country. Maybe it's better that tons of migrants go to western countries so that clinging to the idea of nation-state is finally overcome.
they shouldn't say "auslander raus"
Well, this should be obvious for people with class.
Yeah, many people with 'class' might not say it, but they still believe it.
I totally understand the sentiment behind it, e.g. coming from working class people who saw their neighborhood completely change into something they can't recognize anymore. I really feel for them and know that most of them would still never use that term.
The politicians, bureaucrats, media and their useful idiots caused this chaos and called everybody who dared to point at possible consequences, terrible terms. We should keep that in mind.
When you get triggered letting it go is often a very powerful and liberating thing. Don’t let others control your emotions. But also yeah the down zap button is a great tool! 😄
you're in control, you're the moderator. downzap and mute.
I second this! If there were more downzapping opportunities on the internet and less overlord censorship, the world would be a much better place!
I happily mute people, and also sometimes downzap. There are always going to be some folks in any online community whose signal-to-noise ratio is awful, and if someone's not providing valuable content, I'm happy to never engage with them.
¿should we face publicly what seems inappropriate and dangerous to us or look to the other side?
Mute, ignore, downzap etc. You have all the powers in your hands.
For you it's not directed at him personally. But I will direct at justin personally: frankly fuckoff lmao 🤣
that a girl, people should be more direct
brass up a bit and tag me next time you want to tell me to fuck off though
Mute is the answer, this is SN not Reddit.
I'm afraid I'm probably putting my well-being and mental health at stake. I like to think that I still have some common sense and humanity.
IMO, there's no need to overthink about such comments and people. You can just strike them out. You have the power. Mute them or down zap them. These options are given for such incidents.
You know, I used to live in a bubble and be pretty closed minded. This all changed once I traveled the world - and realized I am just a spec on this planet of 8 Billion people. Traveling the world has helped me gain maturity, but also the ability to see in the end us humans are just trying to do the best we can with what we have and provide for ourselves and our family. I think racism stems from being closed-minded, and not seeing the bigger picture of our world.
I didnt opt for the wild west option, am l missing much?
If something doesn't interest me, I mute it, the solution is easy.
Or simply indifference, if the user sees that no one pays attention to him, he will give up
You could have just tagged me instead of being [REDACTED] about it, caught this only because someone was kind enough to downzap and trigger a notification...
Now, as you could infer by the second comment, I'm not even German, re: the first comment
You did however correctly surmise that, by nature of being descended from immigrants (as we all are in some capacity), I'm not nor should I be anti-immigration in principle
Even as a practical matter, Italy would be one of the last places someone overly concerned with immigration would want to spend more time
Now, had you taken your lithium this morning, and not immediately let your degenerated neural pathways get you thinking about hate speech because of a tongue-in-cheek comment on a niche topic on the internet... you might have noticed that the first post context was a post about Germany's place in the international economy
The song was a meming hard when OP was posted, an inside joke to the German poster whom based on previous interactions seems to be well aware the German government is not controlled by German interests, but rather by globalists.
How you turned that into something more is about you, not me, and that's clearly why you're upset... some heavy guilt you're carrying.
in this cancel culture
You mean tolerance of people like you
jeopardize the brands he represents
My tools exist to help anyone who needs them, people offended by such things don't use tools to enable themselves anyway, they find more virtue in simply crying about stuff
my well-being and mental health at stake
That ship has sailed, but I hope you'll be able to prioritize it going forward and start feeling better. Honestly, I'm sorry that meme was so triggering to you... get well soon.
Nice response
“Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, MY opinion, man.”
I didn't tag you as you're just the messenger and it's the message that I find distasteful. It could have been anyone else with super healthy neural pathways. But if you go stand up comedy, I think you can tolerate criticism. I guess the first amendment covers everything that has been said and that is precisely the point. My question was should I look the other way? Many of the responses advise me that, however sometimes a joke is not just a joke, it becomes a weapon. And when no one does or say anything, then yes, we are in the wild west and bitcoin does not fix that.
In the end, those who claim to represent the sentiment of the majority with less than 16% have ruined a fantastic song for the other 80% minority.
you're just the messenger and it's the message that I find distasteful
Since you completely fabricated the message, tagging me would have demonstrated at least to some minimum degree that you weren't purely virtue stroking yourself
ruined a fantastic song for the other 80%
Most people don't mope around about other peoples made up song lyrics
I'm not even German
but rather by globalists.
globalism is based. Free capitalism, no artificial lines on the ground that restrict free trade including goods and labor.
global trade != globalism
For there to be global trade there must be regions that become adept at making things, which requires supply chains, which requires security... which even in anarcho-utopia would still exist as a market good falling along enforceable borders not unlike the walls of your house
Analogizing governments to DRO's for middle curve libertarians, they are in violation of their SLA
Solid ref, hope I get to see one of their shows live before they hang it up
never seen a clearer case of a person talking with themselves. Bottom luft of the bell curve behaviour
lol, do elaborate your thesis sir