Thanks! The first upload didn’t get through.
Wow what kinds of things do you make for your dad?
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I have made for him supports to attach to his motorcycle various stuff: lights, gps, bagagge. We have a pretty modest printer yet precision is impressive. It's a local copy of a (by now) old Prusa standard model. Many of the parts of the 3D printer itself, loyal to Prusa's style, are 3D printed.
At a time we worked making high quality prototypes for other companies with that humble printer and we where quite successful. One of our finest achievements was to pull out a very delicate and precise surgery tool. We ourselves where impressed at what we could do with so little. Materials and tech available so easily for so little are mind-blowing.
You must be really good if you can create a surgery tool!
I have to proudly say yess :D My father manual skill was key, but it was impressive that the printer was capable of that. One of the parts was a very fine screw we where able to make precise and functional. It's ridiculous the power of the tools the common people haves at hand in modern day.