Digital payment technologies such as PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, WeChat Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and others appear to be far more popular as a payment option at retail stores and in the general economy than Bitcoin
What I see
Nice! I see the same from one perspective, the sheer volume of transactions on LN is enormous, but almost impossible to measure. But when entering retail stores, I see this:
Let's face it. It is a very rare occasion when we see:
You're right. I mean I can't disagree with you. I'm an adamant who won't refuse anything that he has faith in. So, never mind!
You're right. It's rare to see 'Bitcoin is accepted here' but I believe that all the development that's currently happening will take over the world within time. Cashus, feds, LN all are doing good and they must be sufficient, IMO, to alter cash and cards .. we need to be a little more patient and keep doing some real work. In person meet ups and orange piling more and more people should be the goal for now ..