I don't get something. Since Mutiny supports eCash and eCash notes are supposedly stored on your device (or maybe the mutiny server), how are they recovered by the passphrase? If they are on the server, then running your own server won't recover these.
Ecash part have nothing to do with your LDK Mutiny node. is something else, separate. Only that is integrated into Mutiny for easy onboarding poor new users that cannot afford to open a decent LN channel.
Well, ecash ballance does get restored (tested by me). And all I've read is that ecash is stored locally.
This is my understanding so far: eCash tokens are stored locally, but the mint stores the information for each token if it has been already spent or not. Otherwise double spends would be possible.
Regarding restoration I don't know the technical details, but I assume there is some kind of algorithm for deterministically generating eCash tokens from the seed (similar to how key derivation in onchain bitcoin works). However for each derived token, your wallet has to query the mint about whether it has already been spent or not. So I don't think completely offline restoration of eCash is possible.