Hey all, we recently onboarded a local Austin rancher to Oshi, Amber Oaks, and they are accepting bitcoin over lightning for their holiday turkey reservations.
For most, this doesn't apply, but I encourage everyone to seek out a local farmer/rancher and attempt to pay with bitcoin for various items as we approach the holiday season.
Of course, bitcoin is always a topic of discussion at least once at the table with the family/friends. This holiday season, wouldn't it be really cool to let everyone know that the food on the table was paid with bitcoin? It makes the 'bitcoin thing' much more real for everyone.
We can tell people about bitcoin all day long, but having them experience something bitcoin-related first-hand, whether it be a txn or maybe the turkey they are eating this holiday season (because of course it tastes better when it's paid for with bitcoin), has a far more lasting impact and helps with your orange pilling efforts.
Food for thought!
Good work, guys. Awesome to see bitcoinization happen in Austin one business at a time.
It's a lot of work but very rewarding! Thanks!