Feel sorry for you! I had taken a couple before 3 years and the male could only survive 1.5 years. The female we have gave birth to 9 cute puppies just 2 days ago.
I remember how my mother wept for our 'Mouser' anytime someone took the name. I believe that dogs are the ones that complete a family...
Couldn't agree more! My dad is mostly retired but still works from home to keep himself busy and I know he is going to be the hardest hit of us since the house will now be empty during the day for the most part :(
I also believe that this is the fourth golden we have had and that the four of them have already gotten together and have found the perfect dog to introduce to my dad to fill the hole not only in his heart but in his life... I don't know when he and the dog will cross paths but I know it will be sooner than my parents or I expect. Our pups don't want us to hurt or be sad and I know they have already found our next buddy