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This got progressively more hostile as it went on. Can’t say I disagree, but this does seem like a passionate subject for you. Do you have personal experience to share?
I used to live next an illegal party AirBnB that slept 16 and had a pool.
Oh man, yep. That’ll do it
I remember reading about this back then lol, man 2 years flew by. #98011
lol ironically, I sleep less now1, but I get to choose when I sleep at least.


  1. I should probably rethink my 6 hour minimum experiment. 7 is probably the right number.
I listened to this JRE podcast about sleep when it came out 6 years ago and started taking it a bit more serious. According to Matt Walker, 7 hours is the absolute minimum for 99.9% of people, but there's a rare gene that allows some people to run on as low as 5 hours.
Run, in this case I think, meaning not suffer from the effects of certain genes expressing or not based on the hours slept.
1:29:11 He starts talking about the numbers.
Oh I’ve read Walker’s book. I’m definitely under doing it. I was just kind of curious for some reason.