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I don't get this. Immortality is not longevity. To live longer one needs to take care of himself/herself but to the point when that becomes a full time job and cost you arm and the leg it is kinda dumb in my opinion. Immortality? I would not wish that to my enemy, to see this crap we have done for ages and see it again and again with a different flavor? That must be a torture.... Take care of yourself, don't be a dick, help others when you can, smile more and be happy, that's my recipe for good life...lol
I'm sure he will do things that will make him live much longer, I think in the end we all will die - and sometimes much sooner than we expect. Be sure to live it up in life!
Right. Just crossing the road has its own risks.
I don’t recognize that guy, I was really interested in longevity research when I was in college.
The people I remember are Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey de Grey.
I think it’s entirely plausible that someone alive today will still be alive well over a hundred years from now.
Did you see the Immortalists?
That’s where I was introduced to Aubrey de Grey.
Also have you read Lifespan by David Sinclair?
I have read a bit of sinclair. First off, lets get this off my chest. I am not a guy who is serious into immortality. I live my life and enjoy what I have and who I am with. I just feel this guy is a bit fake....but it could be real. I watched an episode on his hair regrowth, to tell you the truth it just looked like he had a better haircut and different lighting.
I think I did see The Immortalists, but I don’t think I read Longevity. It’s been a long time though.
Lifespan not longevity. You should check it out.
Whoops. I couldn't see your comment while I was typing on my phone.
Was it convincing?
There have been some tv shows lately about immortality.
Hopefully my kids can live to 120.
I have heard of Ray Kruzweil before. I dont know why this guy popped up, but I watched a few videos and was intrigued. Some of the things he does are out there, but a majority is just good sleep.
We'll all live for eternity. That's what immortal spirits were made for! The choice is whether we will lay down this life for the next in JESUS or the evils of this world, including building our tower of babel, attempting to live forever without Jesus, cause in this 2nd option, you will get EXACTLY that ... living forever in a burning place without Him!!! He loves you!!!
There is a saying in India. Life should be big and not long. We should do such deeds that people remember us for years.
Very good saying. I have also heard a chinese saying say something similar. You can live long and thin, or short and wide.
According to me, this will be translated in every language in every country of the world. Because this is the essence of life
Haha according to you? Im sure there are similar sayings everywhere about living a full life, not just a long one.
There is a lot of interesting research going in the longevity field.
I have heard of this guy. He seems a bit over the top. We all want to live as long as possible but his obsession is bordering on mental illness.
He is a little strange. You have to take everything with a grain of salt nowdays.
I've seen it a month ago but I haven't given the case any thought.
Maybe he just wants to profit from something that many people want(?). The fact that he doesn't age may have to do with the dynamics of having good genes and a healthy life (and also skincare). Furthermore, people are aging late and that is something you can confirm by looking at a photo of yourself at 30 compared to the 30s of your relatives.
Yeah, you could be right. Its just a bit odd, he does look older. But he looks abnormally pale. I wonder if he has something he isnt telling about that he is trying to beat?
I've seen him come across my feed a few times, haven't really watched his videos though. Are they interesting? The longevity thing seems to be a trend at the moment. In terms of living beyond the century mark, I think it is very possible that we'll see more people strive towards such a goal. I am one of them lol. With the advancement in health technology, more available knowledge on the science of living longer and healthier, and even with Bitcoin, I think more people will feel empowered to take more control over their health and as a result live longer.
How about you? How long would you like to live?
I just want a long and healthy life. I dont care if it is 120 years.. As long as I am enjoying it, that is enough. I am working hard to be more fit and everything. His videos can be a bit weird. But he is saying and showing that they are backed up by data. I just dont think anyone that isnt a millionare would be able to do it.
Gotcha gotcha! The enjoying part is the most important!
In regards to the 'millionaire' part, I will share a few health modalities and protocols that I personally practice that don't require much, if any money as future post!
I mean the tests that he runs and things. The exercise, food, and supplements are pretty "normal"? They can be achieved and bought. You will have to watch some of his videos to see what I mean.
For sure I shall watch some!
To me, it's comparable to someone obsessing about the size of his penis. But maybe there's more to it that i don't get yet? maybe he'll discover some hacks that will help us live longer? But I feel like the information is already out there for all to apply
He did a video on his penis lol
I think it's cool what he does. Experimenting with really out there ideas. If he does it, I don't have to with my body and no medical study would get stuff like this through an ethics review board.
But he's not going to be literally immortal. Let's see if he'll get really old or really healthy in old age. Maybe. Or have complications in a few years. Maybe.
It is cool, but we will have to see if these are positive or negative effects on his health. He seems to be trying a few controversial things.
What is he doing to, and with his mind while he is (supposedly) living for far longer than most do today?
How will he handle it when his body inevitably fails, and his remaining consciousness will have to find its way to a new body?
What body will that be? Well, that depends on his state of mind...
I think he is trying to make his body last longer. He believes that if he is able to push the limit, he could enjoy life longer? I dont know if he is really enjoying life now being a lab rat, though.
This reminds me of the alchemists' search for the philosopher's stone or the arcane, it is said that some succeeded, but then, they magically disappeared from the public scene, I sincerely believe that you will die for more years than you live...
Yes, it does, doesnt it? Seems like the rich always want to eek out a few more years.
I'm not here for a long time, i'm here for a good time
Everyone tries to be here for a good time, and make it last as long as possible!
Don't Die will be the perfect epitaph on his gravestone.
Yeah, its his new catchphrase. "Catchphrase" Anyone know what movie thats from?
If he really wanted to live this longer he must have been a monk. I've listened many anecdotes of Indian monks living many more years than normal people.
I have heard of some Japanese zen and buddhist dying in meditation. Supposedly they are entombed alive? Its not done anymore.
I'm barely talking about living a life of 120 years which is quite possible. There are evidences of Indian monks in the Himalayas have lived upto these many years.
True. I think there is also a Japanese who has, too. I heard cold helps a lot.
Have telomere analysis done. It turns out how many years he will live, more or less.
Yes, but he is reversing that. Seems like his telemeres are growing longer.
We had a similar person here in Turkey. Different techniques, types of nutrition, etc. He died at the age of 75. But it is certain that it will be beneficial to take care of oneself.
Who was he? What did he end up dying of? Being careful what you eat is important, and exercising.
Ertugrul Akbay. He has cold room, special sports and nutrition techniques. I don't remember the exact cause of death. As I recall, it was sudden death.
Yeah, it is always sudden. Weight lifters really seem to struggle with living a long time.
What I don't understand is that he is spending millions in order to live longer, and so far all the "science" shows the importance of exercise, eating and sleeping well.
He keeps saying how it's all backed by science with this and that testing, but now he is doing gene therapy with a company with no peer-reviewed science. Meanwhile, he is selling his course, supplements and food. For me, something doesn't sit right
Maybe he has an underlining condition he isnt telling us? He looks kind of sickly half the time.
Sounds like a horrible idea. Even if I live up to 120 but can’t move as nimbly as before, what’s the point?
Living until 120 if you dont have the body for it would be torture.
The materials and energy that make up our bodies is already immortal. Upon death it will move on to be apart of something else. From both the spiritual and material sense this is the case in the form of a soul moving on or the atoms that make up your body. Anyone that wants to live in this life forever I strongly suspect they are in fear of what comes after, or the lack of anything coming after in the form of our consciousness moving on. Who knows what is next all I know is that it will probably be similar to what it was like before birth.