I asked the "Oracle":
In the United States, historical data and estimates provide insight into the percentage of Whites who owned slaves and the percentage of Blacks who are descendants of slaves:
  1. Percentage of Whites Who Owned Slaves:
  • At the height of slavery in the antebellum South, approximately 25% of White families owned slaves. This statistic varies by region, with higher percentages in the Deep South and lower percentages in border states.
  1. Percentage of Blacks Who Are Descendants of Slaves:
  • The vast majority of African Americans today are descendants of enslaved people. Estimates suggest that around 90% or more of Black Americans have ancestors who were enslaved in the United States. This high percentage is due to the extensive impact of slavery on the African American population before emancipation and the continuity of African American lineage from that era.
These figures help illustrate the historical and ongoing impacts of slavery on American society.
These data might explain why so any whites do not perceive ongoing impacts. Some fair percentage of the seventy-five percent of whites not descended from slave owners don't see the issues and complaints of the descendants of slaves as valid.