Hi, I write first time in this place no used google translator. English is generate me wery more problems. When is a person a theach me a English? I from Poland and I only speake in this language. Thanks
(I wrote this fragment of the text using a translator) If someone did not fully understand my idea, I will write it in Polish, quoting it for translation:
"Cześć, pierwszy raz pisze w tym miejscu bez użycia tłumacza. Czy jest osoba która chciała by mnie nauczyć mówić po angielsku? Angielski mi sprawia wiele problemów. Pochodzę z Polski i umiem tylko w tym języku mówić. Z góry dziękuje za wszelkie starania."
I understand your broken English. Don’t worry about it
Hi there, Welcome to the Stacker Saloon. While you can use Google Translate to communicate but it would be nice if you learnt from a professional rather than Google Translate.
You spoke a fact, but its better in this methode than nothing.
Yeah! I'm not saying he shouldn't use it rather try other methods to learn. Google translate can be dodgy while translating some languages.
Because I learning English what is a "dodgy", preciselly i learning English 14 year in a public school but I more dont understand in this language.
You're doing great! Keep it up 👍