Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Hi, I write first time in this place no used google translator. English is generate me wery more problems. When is a person a theach me a English? I from Poland and I only speake in this language. Thanks
(I wrote this fragment of the text using a translator) If someone did not fully understand my idea, I will write it in Polish, quoting it for translation:
"Cześć, pierwszy raz pisze w tym miejscu bez użycia tłumacza. Czy jest osoba która chciała by mnie nauczyć mówić po angielsku? Angielski mi sprawia wiele problemów. Pochodzę z Polski i umiem tylko w tym języku mówić. Z góry dziękuje za wszelkie starania."
I understand your broken English. Don’t worry about it
Hi there, Welcome to the Stacker Saloon. While you can use Google Translate to communicate but it would be nice if you learnt from a professional rather than Google Translate.
You spoke a fact, but its better in this methode than nothing.
Yeah! I'm not saying he shouldn't use it rather try other methods to learn. Google translate can be dodgy while translating some languages.
Because I learning English what is a "dodgy", preciselly i learning English 14 year in a public school but I more dont understand in this language.
You're doing great! Keep it up 👍
The new territories have burried /~jobs
Who wants to advertise open positions here if nobody sees them?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Mmk 20 Jun
I'm so bored of everything existing only in the context of race.
I met an Austrian economist today at lunch (coworker from a department). I asked him what he thinks of bitcoin and he said he believes in it. He is the Director of revenue at a fortune 200 company.
100 hrs or so into mark passio's lectures, and it's becoming extremely interesting how the system of church & state operates. sounds like the good magicians cannot have human puppets/golems to do their bidding but they only have students or an army of strategically deployed A.I. bots 🤔
99 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 20 Jun
It helps to catch a buzz as you're self-reviewing code. I don't make brains or their rules, but I think you want to change your default mode or maybe I just want to get turned.
Back at my old stomping ground, feels nice to see. I thought after the shutdown they would have a bunch of things fixed up... No, all the stuff is still the same. I have to shake my head at times.
50 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 19 Jun
there's beauty in the irony when voluntary slaves celebrate the abolition of involuntary slavery
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Mmk 20 Jun
Why is that ironic?
two distinct forms of slavery, locked in an endless struggle.
In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue, but have taken them at second hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.
President of Argentina Javier Milei answered today about Bitcoin:
Habrá libre competencia de monedas así es que si querés usar el Bitcoin no habrá problemas... y también podrás usar otras unidades como el WTI, BTU y la que te resulte más acorde en tu negocio... Es más contablemente se resuelve por el método de moneda funcional
There will be free trade of currencies, so if you want to use Bitcoin, there will be no problem. You can also use WTI, BTU or the currency more properly to your business. There will be a method of functional currency to solve the accountancy.
This mean that you can use FIAT currencies, Gold, Bitcoin, Petrol or Commodity Index as well.
That's my president!!!
Dune Quote of the Day
Hope clouds observation.
What do you think?
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 19 Jun
I feel like I'm backed to a baby again to relearn how things were grew in the first place and then how to process them. 🤯
all these knowledge was the result from thousands of years of trial and error ( pow ), yet modern men happily "give it away" , thanks to all the advanced machines now.
what are you growing?
Day 145 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 249 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 148 of 120+ pushups per day)
Day 431 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
We’re getting there!
Wedsnailday mood.. 😜🐌
It lives!!!
Good morning stackers.
Day 143 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
GM! Today I had this thought:
"I input words to stackernews, stackernews outputs sats to me"
How come these many sats!!!
This was after a day where I had a pretty popular post but also these are auto withdrawals so some of these include sats I received to my sn lightning address (through nostr, testing, or random tips from people elsewhere)
I also have the ~devs territory which gives me some extra revenue but not much.
Thanks! I'm very new to Bitcoin so, I didn't understand. Okay, I need to find out how can we auto Withdraw.
Yeah just set up auto withdrawals and it’s nice. Make sure you research lightning wallets and find a good one that works for you. I’m on my 3rd one
Which wallet? I also wanna add one. I downloaded Zeus and it takes a lot of time to open as an app. I use only mobile. Could you please recommend the best and easy?
I'm using Zeus wallet but I'm not using their 'built in' lightning node I'm connecting to my own lightning node hosted on
Enjoy the holiday USA
Celebrate Freedom! Celebrate Emancipation!
Stack Sats and stay humble and really get free!
52 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 20 Jun
Happy Juneteenth 🎊. How is it celebrated ?
Music, food (Texas style BBQ), history - most family's have an oral history shared by elders, plus music, poetry readings and artistic displays.
Happy Juneteenth!!
Going back to fiat work after vacation is always rough…
Waiting for snail update!
My too-old laptop dual boots Windows and Linux. Windows cranks the fan like a helicopter (already replaced one fan), runs crazy slow, and barely runs at that. Linux just runs.
people start naming their offspring Linux, what do you think?
Why not? Lin, Linny for short sounds fine to me.
Day 184 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 899 sats on 18Jun2024! Running total: 107,606 sats!
One week of unemployment. Nine job applications in, no interviews, but I know all too well (having been a hiring manager) that it usually takes weeks, not days.
Hang in there. I have two suggestions for you.
Why not write some thought leadership articles on the current trends in your industry and publish them on your LinkedIn? Good to put yourself out there n establish yourself as a value creator.
Why not play around with Gen AI and see if its “analysis” concurs with what you think about yourself? Ask it to share your greatest strengths and blind spots. I just tried it out.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 19 Jun
What are you looking for? Maybe someone here can help..
not sure how old you are, but applying for a job is not the only way to make money; the way how money works is if you can provide any value to others.
Oh, I'm aware and have side hustles and other ways to provide value, but I also have a house and a spouse with some major medical needs, so unless one of those hustles turns into something way bigger than I expect it can, I still do need to be on the job hunt.
almost all medical issues except physical trauma can be solved with proper nutrition and motion, as well as strategic fasting and purification of air and water we live with. medication breeds dependence. find her a real nutritionist (not the indoctrinated one).
yes, that's why I said not sure about your age or stage in life, as everyone has different responsibilities, basically everyone has their own struggles.
but I hope to see a world where ppl can do what they love and thriving with it.
82 sats \ 2 replies \ @Nadia 19 Jun
People who cannot love other people, start loving money because money is a means to possess things...
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 19 Jun
but then it's kinda sad if ppl get close to you only because you have money...
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 19 Jun
Yes, it’s very sad, but nowadays that’s happening too often.
Howdy! Day 41 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Cold, clouds and heavy showers in June! Not quite the weather you expect around this time of the year in this area.
341 sats \ 6 replies \ @Lux 19 Jun

Injured Party

When in court, you have every right to know who the injured party is that is cause for you to be in the courtroom.
Therefore you must ask the following:
“Can I have the name of the victim or injured party?”
Note: if a name of a corporation is given, you will need to see the contract where the policy is written to have caused the corporation to be an “injured party”.
The definition of the word “victim” is a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. And in this case the word “person” refers to a private living person, not a corporation.
A corporation is a “dead entity” and does not exist, hence it cannot be physically injured in this way, and ultimately a corporation has no rights to violate.
Therefore, a legal fiction or corporation cannot be a victim.
If there is a claim that a “legal fiction” or corporation is an injured party, then “injured party” would refer to being financially injured due to a breach of contract.
At which point you would demand to see the contract to verify if you were obligated by it.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @Hamstr 19 Jun
So if they use victim they become alive? In the case, I've caused the accident
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 19 Jun
how can you injure an idea?
a legal fiction or corporation cannot be a victim.
such a nice and simple way to explain it !
Most of my colleagues left after a long day of meetings, but I stayed on to scan through next term’s workbook, motivated to create value for myself and my students.
Proof of Work makes me feel immune against life’s stresses.
Getting ahead is always worthwhile. ‘Piss poor planning leads to piss poor performance…’ or the more usual ‘Fail to prepare, prepare to fail’
I haven’t really heard of the collocation piss poor. Just gonna wait for the first opportunity to use it on my students n watch them laugh xP
71 sats \ 2 replies \ @zana 19 Jun
Cardio time. Let's burn some unwanted fats.😂 You guys have a great day 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️
Same! What’s your exercise of choice? I’m a runner
15 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 20 Jun
Squats and jump. I play hula hoop too. 😊 Keep running.
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 19 Jun
And never forget how it started.
Day 48 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet"
73 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 19 Jun
Since forever isn't forever, let's vibe and let's stacking till whenever.
Mid-week snail check?
Day 4 of my daily posting journey, after my cowboy hat was blown off by the windstorm that blew in from the west.
previously: #578116 🤠⚡