GM! Today I had this thought:
"I input words to stackernews, stackernews outputs sats to me"
How come these many sats!!!
This was after a day where I had a pretty popular post but also these are auto withdrawals so some of these include sats I received to my sn lightning address (through nostr, testing, or random tips from people elsewhere)
I also have the ~devs territory which gives me some extra revenue but not much.
Thanks! I'm very new to Bitcoin so, I didn't understand. Okay, I need to find out how can we auto Withdraw.
Yeah just set up auto withdrawals and it’s nice. Make sure you research lightning wallets and find a good one that works for you. I’m on my 3rd one
Which wallet? I also wanna add one. I downloaded Zeus and it takes a lot of time to open as an app. I use only mobile. Could you please recommend the best and easy?
I'm using Zeus wallet but I'm not using their 'built in' lightning node I'm connecting to my own lightning node hosted on