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Injured Party

When in court, you have every right to know who the injured party is that is cause for you to be in the courtroom.
Therefore you must ask the following:
“Can I have the name of the victim or injured party?”
Note: if a name of a corporation is given, you will need to see the contract where the policy is written to have caused the corporation to be an “injured party”.
The definition of the word “victim” is a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action. And in this case the word “person” refers to a private living person, not a corporation.
A corporation is a “dead entity” and does not exist, hence it cannot be physically injured in this way, and ultimately a corporation has no rights to violate.
Therefore, a legal fiction or corporation cannot be a victim.
If there is a claim that a “legal fiction” or corporation is an injured party, then “injured party” would refer to being financially injured due to a breach of contract.
At which point you would demand to see the contract to verify if you were obligated by it.
So if they use victim they become alive? In the case, I've caused the accident
how can you injure an idea?
a legal fiction or corporation cannot be a victim.
such a nice and simple way to explain it !