I am new to this in S.N.. but now that you mention it, the person who is teaching us last week sent us a documentary about some children in the Philippines, it is an island and they must open holes in the earth or mud of the mangroves with their hands or with simple cups... to immerse themselves in the mud and look for tiny little nuggets of gold... we would say like sand... from a full day of work they hopefully extract 1gr or perhaps 2gr grams of gold... and in addition to that they must process them using mercury a chemical that is highly harmful and harmful to health... to earn 2 or 3 euros... and because they are doing that they only attend school 2 or 3 times a week... it is quite worrying to see how there are places in the world... where there is so much need and hunger... and class inequality is so great... and the worst of all will continue like this in the future if we do nothing...