Watched some videos about how ppl risk their lives mining gold, gems, and pearls last night. Bitcoin is so much better, at least ppl don't need to risk their lives mining it, however, it comes with different "dangers".
and it's really crazy to think how many ppl risk their life to do the work behind for all the "fancy consumptions." I recently just learned how ppl turned cotton and wool into fabric, you wouldn't take things for granted anymore once you see how much work is needed behind to make a simple piece of fabric, when it's done by pure human hand.
all the factory production you can either see it as a way to improve productivity so to match with the human farming / to farm more , or it's also a way of killing creativity, centralizing power, and cheating.
interesting enough that nowadays we see robots and "AI" doing domestic tasks and painting but we do not see doing that hard dangerous work in mines and other places where human life is in danger...
and also see many humans using shitGPT to learn history instead of traveling and asking ppl from there to learn. 👀
it feels the same, centralizing power so as to "make ppl's lives easier", then whoever controls these machines controls the information.
You are watching a intresting film. It's fact bitcoin has a low lvl dangerous than mining gold, gems and pearls. Many people are risking for consumption. (You not react from my broken English. I'm studing this language through writing to you)
(You not react from my broken English. I'm studing this language through writing to you)
keep practicing! I'm not a native English speaker neither; what I did was watch lots of movies and series in English ( without subtitles ) when I was younger and travel.
Thanks for support. I tried watch films in English but I more tired in translate than watch this films. In a travel, I don't have money.
Dobrze zrobiony!
Just keep practicing.
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A few days ago I saw a documentary about "children who work searching for gold in Thailand", these children immerse themselves in a hole they dig in the swamp inside the mangrove, while with a plastic hose they supply oxygen from a compressor, 8 hours of I work approximately, and if they are lucky that day, to find a little gold, they earn between €1.5 and €3 per day! 😱🤯 this left me speechless, stunned, and totally shocked. Furthermore, the most important thing to highlight is that this work is highly dangerous, according to studies, every year at least 1 or 2 of every 10 of these children die in these swamp holes looking for a few gold cents. and it doesn't stop there, when they are lucky to find some crumbs of gold then they must work it with "Mercury", a substance that is highly harmful to those who manipulate it without the appropriate safety protocols, which these people obviously do not possess! and honestly it shocked me too much that during the weekend, without counting on my job only in SN, I was able to accumulate 2k of SATS the equivalent of a day of work of those children, without risking my life or my health, and I did it from the tranquility of my Burrow (house) which on the one hand fills me with happiness for myself and knowing how to identify my windows taking into account that I live in the third world and obviously here the value of Fiat money is fatal and €1 does not have the same meaning for me, or for others here, like maybe it could be for someone from Europe or the USA. Thanks for reading, Long live SN, Long live #Bitcoin
Wow, it's frightening. In the Europe childrens is frustrating to must going to school. In the country third world childrens have a battle a life. It's very long distance perspective.
very true, and totally agree with these words. 🤝
More worried about people being made to mine cobalt if I’m honest….
But your comment reminded me of a rap lyric from back in the day;
  • ‘Now who gives a damn About the ice on your hands? If its not too complex Tell me how many African's died For the baguettes on your Rolex? So what you pushing a nice car Don't you know there's no such thing as superstar We leave this world alone So who gives a fuck about the things you own?’
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I am new to this in S.N.. but now that you mention it, the person who is teaching us last week sent us a documentary about some children in the Philippines, it is an island and they must open holes in the earth or mud of the mangroves with their hands or with simple cups... to immerse themselves in the mud and look for tiny little nuggets of gold... we would say like sand... from a full day of work they hopefully extract 1gr or perhaps 2gr grams of gold... and in addition to that they must process them using mercury a chemical that is highly harmful and harmful to health... to earn 2 or 3 euros... and because they are doing that they only attend school 2 or 3 times a week... it is quite worrying to see how there are places in the world... where there is so much need and hunger... and class inequality is so great... and the worst of all will continue like this in the future if we do nothing...