One of my concerns about Stacker News has been that it will turn into just another toxic internet partisan circle jerk as it grows
I consider myself not be early here but when I first heard about SN, I started to share my enthusiam for these kind of places where people can publish content and most important, you pay the party.
I'm truly happy for this and the first responses from my inner circles when I showed them this beautiful place was: "well, you're in a eco chamber where maxis will tell you what you want to hear, no other projects" and got me thinking.

Is SN an eco chamber and we're just...maxis trying to make something?

And started to check other forum alternatives about it. The main difference between them and us is simple: To insert an answer, you must pay. To insert a post, you must pay. To insert a poll, you must pay.
People who aren't willing to pay for their speech, isn't worth to read. And I don't mean you'll be censored if you don't pay, it's the other way around. Our literature system is totally broken. Writers can't live for their words anymore because internet made everything cheap, which is a good thing but publishers, media and other people in general started to earn through ads, hidden ads, researchs made by [insert your company] and I can still going on and on.
Mostly, writing doesn't have a reason to be because write is free but if we're going to be precise, writing is sponsored by other people who take good care about what you publish in order to no bother the establishment. Writing stopped to be revolutionary, artificial intelligence promotes non-critical thinking because people just don't want to think anymore; what is supposed to be a tool to help you debug faster your code, is now the main assistant of most people, including thinking and being rational.
That's why Stacker is becoming slowly but in a certain way the favorite place to be, user not only earn something but also have quality, good and certain answers. So, to the question: why people don't see what we see here? Aren't we listening other projects? Maybe is because here, we prefer long time preference post and long time preference answers, we avoid casinos, memes and x125 leverage as a way of life1. You could but, would you pay for it? Would it be that interesting? That's the point.
I know libertarians claiming that bitcoin is not revolutionary2 but as many things, it'll take time. And by the way, we're not toxic. We can be assholes and bit rudes, toxic never. Keep you work sir, sooner or later, they realize that we already won.
My two cents.


  1. I'm 100% sure there are these kind of users here. I celebrate them. But they know for sure, here your cheap speech doesn't have nothing.
  2. Im'm still saying that libertarians that doesn't own sats, are not libertarians at all. My view,.
I know libertarians claiming that bitcoin is not revolutionary but as many things, it'll take time. And by the way, we're not toxic. We can be assholes and bit rudes, toxic never. Keep you work sir, sooner or later, they realize that we already won.
I want to add that we're not delusional as well. We know and understand the reality better than those who daydream.
What your friends fail to see is that there are no other projects. Bitcoin is the only innovation in the space.
I think people misunderstand what an echo chamber is. Just because we aren't divided into one of two tribes engaged in endless pointless bickering, doesn't make us an echo chamber.
There are people here with very different perspectives and experiences than I have. I learn from what they say, because they say it thoughtfully and I think most of us are trying to understand each other.
By contrast, an echo chamber is where everyone already thinks the same things about all of the topics that arise for "discussion".