Even amongst that group, bitcoin isn't just not of interest, it's to be avoided.
Sounds like a BTC problem, not necessarily a SN problem.
I get where they are coming from...
There is a long list of people who are in prison because they used BTC "the wrong way". Does not sound like "freedom money" to me.
Many wallets have dust UTXOs that are effectively unspendable due to rising fees. Does not sound like a practical currency to me.
The largest miner has nearly 50% hashrate. Does not sound like trustless money to me if we're all trusting the miner not to reorg.
All the "scaling solutions" are just multisigs where you give up some/all custody to get faster and cheaper payments using some token (LN sats in a channel, or eCash) issued "on top" of BTC. Might as well use a shitcoin instead of deal with complicated tech and custody tradeoffs.
The loudest bitcoiners tend to be dogmatic and/or toxic people on the outside. Nobody wants to converse with (argue with) someone who won't ever change their mind or even recognize that there is a problem with the status quo.
My slight surprise was based on the generally positive attitudes that seem to exist towards bitcoin and other cryptos amongst Minds users. I don't see anyone there bringing up problems with it, but people do pay lip service to its potential. My guess would be that almost no one there is aware of more than the first point you raised.
As to toxicity, it's not like I don't see where you're coming from, but Minds is full of vastly more toxic people than Stacker News is. They just aren't toxic about bitcoin.