yield-farming is participating in farming of other people's wealth. it is a sin. it is a mark of a bad person. everybody who is aware of how the financial instrument yield-farms and continues to participate willingly, is a sinner. always aim to get out of human farming. relentlessly.
Yes, yield-farming = aplication fiduciar money standards in crypto. The person which inployment yield-farming in crypto is a lucifer.
fun fact: lucifer = lux-fare. the light maker. do not make the light, that is fake. show people the light (true knowledge).
dollar-debt system is also yield-farming. the greatest cryptic (hidden) yield-farming of humans.
Coming from tradfi staking made sense but not out here in the wild west!
staking "makes sense" when the trader is already committed (like a convict) to the game and his life depends on continued staking.