Rishi floating around the idea that young people refusing national service will be denied financial services:
Bitcoin fixes this etc.
I served and am denied services…. So good luck with that. He will be in California within 6-months… let the tech bros deal with him.
Denied in what sense?
Service personnel have limited access to financial services (loans, leases, other credit) without the permission of a senior officer. I couldn’t buy a £250 suit on credit for my wedding without the say-so of an army accountant…. Yet you let me fire £15k missiles….
And it’s underreported but an army corporal with a family qualifies for income support.
Wait, what? What is the rationalle behind this?
Is it something like ex-military being more likely to rack up debt (gambling, drugs)? I don't understand the logic.
Serving military (other ranks ie not officers) are perceived to be more prone to debt etc by nature of their background.
An officer asking a young corporal if he can afford £150 a month for a car repayment when he probably spends that on gin-and-tonics every night… feels likes a class issue