I'm a fan and user of Alby. What will the cost/fees be for the self-custodial product?
27 sats \ 1 reply \ @Alby 22 Jun
We're still figuring that out. Would you like to try it and tell us what would you pay?
App is/will be open-source, but we could run it for you for small... membership? Transactions? What would you prefer?
+costs for opening channels, naturally
I think for most Bitcoin services 1% is the sweet spot. It seems substantial enough from a business perspective, without being offensive to the customer (like credit cards or Coinbase).
Competition could drive that down eventually, but superior reliability, functionality, and service could allow a business to maintain a premium. I think most users trivialize the difference between .1% and 1% anyway -- I know I do.
I'm not a huge fan of subscriptions. I probably would for Alby, but generally I find memberships to just feel like a financial burden, in a psychological sense. Like, I can afford another $5/month service, but I already have so many, it makes me feel like a slave. In some ways it feels worse than debt, because it's in perpetuity and doesn't diminish. I recognize that it is more stable income for the business.