That's just my two sats. It's a holiday that has been placed upon me by central planners and if you like it or don't like it I don't care. It's secular. It's imposed and I don't need to bend a knee for it.
The declaration of Independence was written including all men. Even when it was written there were not free men but the cat was out of the bag and thus it was hard to say who it didn't represent.
How many faux freedom holidays do we need?
If it's a Texas thing then I have no problem with that.
Our government has tried many tricks against the population since 2020 and I'm not going to be read into the latest scam.
I'm glad that you support this psychological operation.
One of many.
My people have celebrated Juneteenth for over a century. Yup we are part of this psyop you speak of.
I understood that from earlier in the thread.
What I don't like is making me observe the holiday and expecting me to like it.
That's pure FIAT.
But you think that is good... Wait until the tides change and what you respect and like becomes bad news.
Clearly you don't see a problem with the Democratic mandates because you think you are special.
I'll state this and I know it's true. The good guys and the bad guys are the same people and they are keeping you entertained for a reason.
But full disclosure I zapped your responses because I thought maybe we'd have some good dialogue. Instead I've just wasted my time. At least I paid you for yours.
Don't shit on my holiday. Shit on the government and white people honestly, using my holiday for their guilt, political tactic, commercialized event, youname it.
It is probably what you meant to do, but it is not what you express. But fuck that. I won't make excuses for you. You're a grown ass person who probably said exactly what you meant.
My holiday was fine without you for over a century. It will be fine without you going forward.
Nont whine about zapping. %hat was your choice and you meant it or not. Blaming me is just weak.
Your invited. Why do you feel an expectation to like it or participate? Coming from a family of war fighters and veterans and being a Christian, I watch people not participate, in any serious way, in Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Christmas, etc. They don't affect my celebration and I don't give a fuck how they spend their time.
So if a government decrees a holiday, you feel compelled to participate? Some how I doubt that and wonder that makes this different other than the current times and political environment. Who is making you feel this way?