I was going to do that initially but selecting all the urls to feed it was time consuming and wasn’t working at first so I just created a 2 page pdf with some info about Stacker News, Stacker Sports, the kind of posts and contests we have in the territory and then I did a small blurb for each stacker that routinely participates in the territory. Just taught it who their favourite teams were, and the sports each stacker likes and the kind of content they post.
Sounds like you did the bulk of the work to curate and feed it relevant info. But I can see AI being very useful for sifting through large amounts of data and finding/curating relevant results.
Yes, I would like to train it on a bunch of posts and comments but I only started playing with it a couple days ago and I had an issue the first day the open agents dev had to fix for me. Maybe next week I will give it some posts and see how it changes its answer to various questions.