Do you know if there are plans to have like multiple embedded nodes in Zeus? Or how to have multiple accounts without pointing to different nodes? Or maybe I am asking for a stupid thing. The LSP is great but a bit expensive for small amounts. For example to have a small wallet for zapping.
read the guides I mention it. Zeus can handle:
  • multiple remote nodes
  • only one embedded node
  • multiple lndhub accounts
But why do you need many embedded nodes ? Why one is not enough?
Maybe not many embedded nodes but a way to have multiple accounts that cannot be related to each other, within that node. I don't have the knowledge about what are the privacy implications of using the same node for different purposes.
For example, if I zap as one user in nostr and then I zap as another nostr account from the same embedded node, then is it possible to know if both zaps come from the same person? Maybe it is a stupid question or maybe not. I'm far from expert in LN.
You can use for a scenario like that Shock wallet with multiple accounts in the same interface.
Zeus also can do it, but you need to switch between accounts.