Bookmarked and saved! I'm really starting to like using ZBD for user experience. I used to use Blue but they got rid of lightning, and Breeze - I had a channel shut down without notice due to a couple months of inactivity. Where would Speed wallet Muun, and Aqua be in this graph?
Where would Speed wallet Muun, and Aqua be in this graph?
This graph is about real / serious LN wallets, not crap shit. I said WISELY, not randomly any crap wallet...
Muun is not a LN wallet, is just faking it with submarine swaps. Aqua is a multicrap wallet, promoting Tether scam and Liquid crap. Speed is custodial (full KYC for US) used mostly to buy crap gift cards. I cannot name that a serious LN wallet.
There are so many bitcoin influencers promotion Aqua and Speed right now!