Hi frostdragon - I am fairly new here, and don't spend a lot of time here, but that may change... I just wanted to say that I like this post and find some of your thoughts resonating with me...and I often find myself thinking back to the concept of the Uncarved Block which I first came across when I was supposed to read and write something about the book "The Tao of Pooh." Well I didn't write anything about it but I did read and have often felt this concept of simply being what one is, natural and whole, is really quite a difficult state of mind to grasp let alone to project - and yet it has always struck me as a worthwhile state of being to be in as much as possible....
Your comments on slowing down, developing moves, finding meaning in the dark parts of the journey....these feel like closely related flows...
Anyway - just thought I would say HI and thank you for your post - it helped me remember the littlest things often have large effects that we never notice.
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Welcome! Glad to have provoked some good thoughts. I also don’t spend a ton of time here, really only when I feel like I have something to say that I think might be useful, so I’m glad it was! I’ll have to add that book to the queue.