Unfortunately, I don’t attract money so much, but I attract sake. Or rather, it’s just my wife since I received sake on both our anniversary and Father’s Day. In another life, I would have loved to be a sake sommelier. But I stay rooted to my ground truth and type out these sake titbits to declutter my room.
  • Sake brewed using a microorganism called koji n yeast n has alcohol content of 13-16%. Koji converts starch in rice into sugar. Compared to wine that is naturally fermented by pressing grapes n adding yeast.
  • Sake rice is used exclusively for sake brewing. Large-grain, soft varieties with a low protein content used.
  • can be savoured at wider range of temperatures than other liquors (from 5-55 degree Celsius)
  • 4 categories: flavourful, light n smooth, rich, aged
  • Brings out the flavour in goods while tempering strong aroma of beef n seafood.
  • Store in cool, dark place because very sensitive to light n heat.
  • Ginjoshu is sake made using white rice that has been milled such that 60% or less of the grain remains. It has a fruity, somewhat floral bouquet n clear, crisp flavour. If the rice is polished down to 50% or less, it is called Daiginjoshu.
  • Koshu (aged sake) is sake that has been aged for a couple of years. Has a bouquet like sherry, with a flavour profile that includes spices n nuts.
Willing the Universe to send more sake my way‼️
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Toast! To send you more sake but for now settle for soju <3 hamstr
Love the handwritten note!
You are a hybrid of foreign cultures. Green tea n soju.
What’s the coconut moonshine about?
Its an islander thing?? I didn't make it, it was passed to me when I went to a fiesta. BTW, Guam is a minority majority place. So order of the most population by ethnicity is chamorro, Asian(Philippino, Korean. Chinese, Japanese), Americans military personnel. So in my case, I'm half Korean and American. At one point I spoke well in Japanese for tourism. Unfortunately, American culture is foreign to me. At my house. We have outside shoes and indoor shoes.
lol. My wife wears slippers inside the house, as is Japanese custom. I go barefoot even if I haven’t vacuumed the floor for two weeks haha
That sake looks great, but what I like the most in terms of Japanese drink is Japanese whiskey!
Yamazaki FTW!
Omg just thinking about it makes me excited.
What whiskey do you like?
Of the ones I have tried, which are not many, the ones I liked the most are the Yamazaki and the Hibiki, Yamazaki 12 years is another level.
Sake is actually pretty good, but for some reason I like soju.
I like Vitamin Alcohol in general
ooo you know, some Guamanians have made some type of coconut moonshine. It was delicious. So from me to you, Kanpai Sensei.