This book was in the museum. It has three translations, English, Japanese, and Chamorro.^[Another way to describe locals from Guam is Guamanians] To prevent the page from folding up, I had to push the page down to take pictures, so ignore my hand. Pohnpei is an island among the Caroline Islands. My experience with Pohnpeian^[term used to describe Pohnpei people] people have been in general have been real good, very chilled out people. I even had a crush on a guy back in middle school. 😊Good times. Palau is another island in the lower left region of Guam, FYI
Saipan is an island located above Guam
Truk^[Chuuk is another name] is an island located in the right lower region of Guam within the Caroline island
Kosrae is an island that is part of the FSM in Caroline Island
Fin for now
Other Historical Resources: War in the Pacific Museum ^[Part 1 of War in the Pacific Museum] A walk through the Guam History Museum^[Indigenous people of Guam meeting the west]
Fishing Tools from the Ancient Chamorro and canoe^[Chamorros' tools used before any colonization]
Ancient Calendar - Old photographs + Art^[Seasons the island splits into months]
Chief Hurao^[Speech by the Chief in 1671]
Galaide'^[Images of a canoe used in Ancient Times]
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