Huge move by the CoinCorner team. They waited until the Bitcoin Amsterdam Conference to announce their biggest expansion yet. The company opened up shop in El Salvador AKA Bitcoin country. Considering the level of bitcoinization that CoinCorner has accomplished in the Isle Of Man, this might be one of those stories that turn out to be really important down the line. The company comes wielding its headlining product, The Bolt Card, a contactless Lightning card.
I love the concept of coin corner. The Bolt Card is perfect in case your phone dies and you can NFC other people's sats. Surprised they are the only ones doing this (that I know of).
I've never used it, have you used it?
That’s good news. Do any of you use Coin Corner. I started buying BTC from them recently and found their customer service to be decent.
Plus you can withdraw over LN. ⚡️
Great news! Bitcoin adoption is accelerating now.
by Eduardo Próspero, 2 years ago
True, I didn't look at the date either, on the website it came out as recent news.
2 years seem like yesterday mate!!