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I picked scenes from some of my personal favourite shows and movies about bitcoin/the rabbit hole. For me its a journey of confusion, struggle and freedom. I felt confused realising the world I live in is fake. The struggle is working on what we believe in, while also accepting not being able to help others until they want help. And finally I get a feeling of freedom by realizing I can help the most by taking responsibility for myself and creating value for what I believe in.
Good job! All great movies.
Thanks. Which one's your favourite?
Other bitcoiner movies: Truman Show, Dark City
Non-bitcoiner but my favorite: Coherence
i have felt a sense of deja vu while watching Mr. Robot imagine you woke up one morning just to discover the world you live in is fake
I love these montage of movies - interestingly bitcoin wasn't even created when these movies were released.
That makes it even better!
Bitcoin was created when Mr Robot was released.
Very nice.
Thank you
Nice video. But the end... naah. "Bitcoin only" is not the solution my friendo. We need tools to fight the big players and Bitcoin is to weak in terms of privacy / fungibility.
Thanks for the feedback. I see your point. So then what would be your call-to-action to the audience?
I mean in the end we need more decentralization. Not just in the financial world. We need it also with food or medicine. This is the key for a future outside the "matrix". Support decentralized protocols or projects would be an ideal call-to-action.
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