damn. turns out i may be a genetically modified slave, but thankfully not the dumbest head in the herd.
the truth has be stolen from us long time ago, everything we know about humanity, religion and many other may be wrong
grandma always tells me to use my own brain
i suggest you read more about the anunnaki from the scroll of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians that is where our genetically modification originated from
🫡 will continue knowledge discovery until the great escape velocity is reached.
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don't like it - don't explore it
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next thing I like to hear is something about a flat earth - are you all retarded?
Quite often I have to retard myself to deal with sheeple like you, yes...
Fortunately here on SN I can forget about all of that & pull no punches!
we are all retarded here, duh. 🙃 [from Latin retardare "make slow, delay, keep back, hinder"]
slow to grasp the truth, that is. we're thinking as fast as feasible 🤓
Our ‘creators’ obviously could/can come and go and return again. How did they travel?
Yet another, based on metaphorical truths!
seems like everytime i open another door, it brings me to square 1. but i know i'm not at square zero!
some of the so-called creators aka social engineers might still be around, traveling as elusively as the bigfoot primates, but in their stealthy jets rather than jungles. if that is true, and if they possess superior knowledge, it would be trivial for them to influence the minds and hearts of the slaves
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