Unhittable: Ben Joyce 100mph Splinker
I have decided my passion for the insane greatness of modern day pitching is a pursuit that should be shared.
So, with the help of the legendary Pitching Ninja Rob Friedman, I am going to occasionally showcase pitches that are so absurdly good they are essentially unhittable.
First up we have Ben Joyce, rookie relief pitcher from the Los Angeles Angels, showing off his 100mph Splinker. A splinker is a particularly nasty pitch when executed well. It is essentially a split fingered fastball thrown at high velocity causing the ball to have both the downward effect of a split fingered fastball but also the horizontal run of a sinker.
The best part of this video is when Rob overlays the 100mph splinker which runs dramatically inside along with Joyce's 102mph four seem fastball which stays in the zone. The velocity at which these pitches are thrown gives the batter absolutely no chance to decipher between the two. If executed well this pitch is Unhittable.
Sats for all, GR
Wow is that a nasty pitch. I remember Ron Luciano in one of his books talking about he basically never saw any of Nolan Ryan's pitches because they were so fast, and had to guess if they were strikes, and I feel like the only way a hitter can hit Joyce is just to swing and hope, because seeing that ball in real time coming at you has to be next to impossible.
The four seamer at 102mph in the zone is hard enough to hit. As you said your best bet is get that bat going early and hope it is the one that flies straight, not the one that moves 18 inches.
What do you think @0372a92086?