Activate BIP-300 and collect fee revenue from every payment on Earth.
Zapping because you brought it to our attention, not because I like it (I don't like it)
A miner activated soft fork without Core (or economic node runner) support is a bold move.
I agree. When I saw this I thought also same thing. This is a bad move.
Who would be in support of this other than the miners???
it's directed to miners
I understand many of the things Paul says in this document, in fact I support many of said ideas (politization of the process, Luke being a nutjob, bitcoiners of 2024 being completely retarded, doing nothing is the worse course of action, trust isn't a scaling solution), but I have to ask, is this really the right move? I'm not sure I like this despite being ideologically aligned with it.
If anyone more knowledgeable than me can guide me through the technical ACTUAL risks I',d be grateful.
It seems that there are serious mistakes in the 'old-way / new-way' comparison.
"How do you de-activate the fork?: Very easy – people stop running the Activator software. The soft fork just naturally de-activates."
Yeah, except now soft-fork-specific UTXOs are claimable by everyone onchain. It's disabled on the technical layer of protocol, but it wreaks havoc on social/economic layer of protocol.
"Who can be negatively affected by a fork? (In a way other than a reorg.)" ( and other points.)
Why would you exclude reorgs? Reorg is the biggest issue and blocker when it comes to soft forks. Basically reorgs makes it so the 'new-way activation' is not that different from the 'old-way activation' w.r.t risks.
You might use the new OPCODE from your softfork. But if most economic participants won't use your soft-fork someone will claim your UTXOs next block and you screaming "This is consesus invalid! Give back my coins" by your local Activator won't make a difference.
Care to explain how an UTXO can become claimable under such circunstances?
In order to have soft-fork any changes must be backward compatible with old-code running nodes.
So how could you possibly add new features while keeping backward compatibility? You make it so old nodes see the new soft-fork UTXOs as "anyone can spend", while soft-fork-aware nodes can understand new data and enforce narrower ruleset on those UTXOs.
If miners/nodes accepted the softfork all new blocks will follow the new ruleset, but old-codebase nodes will still work fine unaware of new rules thinking those are just "anyone can spend" UTXOs.