Seriously who the fuck thought it was a good idea for sellers to rate buyers.
In the context of a totally anon cryptoanarchist system where there needs to be some accountability, I get it. Even in Uber I kinda get it.
On AirBnB you're doxxed. AirBnB will flag you for not putting a towel in the washing machine. There is no need for sellers to be rating buyers lol.
Seriously who the fuck thought it was a good idea for sellers to rate buyers.
Considering the buyer can trash your house and make your life unbearable if you're a live-in host, I'd say there is a much stronger case for that than on e.g. eBay, where buyer ratings are pretty much only about how promptly the buyer paid.
Yeah I'm not sure what the right answer is here, in terms of how reviews could be structured. Buyers (the people staying at the AirBnB) can really screw things up. Then again, they can screw things up, but it can be the hosts fault. For instance, a poorly attached (suction cup) toiletries holder can fall in a shower, and break a tile (ask me how I know).
Technically the buyer, the person staying there, cause the problem. But it shouldn't have been attached so insecurely that it can fall down.
Hotels have years of experience in making things more bulletproof, and hard to damage. AirBnB is much newer and some of them have a lot to learn.