I think QR Codes are hard to beat for their convenience. I guess NFC is a close second for me, but it is not as available on computers as it is on smartphones, so... As for moving PSBTs with microSD cards, I've never done it.
QR Codes38.1%
Nice try, fed!42.9%
21 votes \ poll ended
Hum... It's a cool concept, but I'm having trouble understanding how it "breaks" the link between the UTXOs.
What I'm trying to say is that in a regular coinjoin multiple parties are engaging, so there are many outputs and there is no clear way of linking who owns what.
However, in utxo-dealership, from what I could understand, there is just the buyer and the seller, so how could the "link" be broken (to provide privacy)?
Signing transactions with a camera is the coolest thing ever. It just feels like the future.
NFC is also pretty cool though...
MicroSD is a bit meh, just too normal. Everyone copies data from usb drives, etc.
Signing transactions with a camera is the coolest thing ever. It just feels like the future.
It really gives "magic internet money" vibes.
The problem with the qr codes is that you need good quality cameras.
I remember trying to use this feature with my laptop camera...and it was impossible.
I've used laptop cameras with no issue whatsoever.
Might be that the QR code is too small or your camera is too far? Maybe moving too much?
QR codes are really robust, and usually work really well.
My Chromebook would disagree. A kids' toy has a better camera than my laptop. Even adjusting QR density doesn't help here.
And even funnier, the Jade camera, which must have half a pixel for resolution, manages to scan QR codes just fine.
Oh, yeah. Laptop cameras are usually poop quality. It's a funny dance when I'm trying to make Sparrow understand the QR I'm showing.
I got stumped the other day trying to sign a PSBT without an SD card reader. it was a bit of a bummer. fortunately i had a backup wallet to use...
Honestly, I never had the urge to do a transaction by microSD — too much friction.
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