Although always with a liberal bent, a once reputable publication, the Toronto Star has now devolved into a complete dumpster fire.
The headline alone is hilarious but this piece started out trying to be funny and then turned into full gaslighting mode. Remember this is from the Entertainment Columnist. For those that don't want to read this nonsense. Here is a snippet:
"So what will happen Thursday night when the two presidential candidates get onstage in Atlanta to trade barbs in two-minute sound bites? Your guess is better than mine. But if past is prologue, it will be a gloomy night in Trumpville.
Inhaling lies in a parallel universe makes for a bumpy re-entry into reality.
What you are likely to see on CNN is one candidate who has command of policy and another who has no command of his emotions. One candidate will offer a vision of hope and unity. The other will offer a litany of made-up grievances. One candidate has a track record of getting things done for others. The other has a track record of narcissism.
One candidate can be trusted with the nuclear codes. The other can’t be trusted with the QR codes for a bingo hall. One candidate functions with decency and empathy. The other calls fallen soldiers suckers and losers.
One candidate is a man devoted to his faith and family. The other is an adjudicated rapist who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and is responsible for why women have fewer reproductive rights than their grandmothers once did.
One candidate fights for democracy. The other is an election denier who yearns to be BFFs with Vladimir Putin. One candidate wakes up to govern. The other wakes up to watch cable news, golf, tan, devour fast food and do media hits with starry-eyed sycophants."
LOL indeed.
Wakes up to govern lol
Biden will be declared the winner of the debate if he stays awake
This debate is really for the DNC to decide if Biden needs to be replaced immediately or in August
Sounds right.
The other calls fallen soldiers suckers and losers.
How is that not funny? C'mon.
I don't really understand what has happened with news outlets. The Toronto Star has been teetering on the verge of bankruptcy for years. Why are the investors in the these media outlets letting the inmates rule the asylums?
Did Bezos buy Washington Post because he thought it was a great business?
Same goes for Elon and Twitter
I remember speaking to a writer in 2008 who was really upset with Google and Facebook for “stealing” newspaper content. My response was digital world is changing, adapt or perish
You forgot to say “man”!
I'm not even sure I will watch. I see mikes will be muted tonight. That helps Trump. Last time he interrupted Biden every time he was about to say something unintelligible.
Watch that circus or the hapless Blue Jays try to keep Judge and Soto at bay. Actually Yankees are struggling right now. Maybe I will give the Jays a chance until the debate comes on.
Stick with baseball, no matter how ugly.
Why is there a debate in June? We can’t wait for the baseball ⚾️ all star break lol
Debate? What debate?
I meant reality television 📺
Probably a good plan.
Remember this is from the Entertainment Columnist
Fitting. Because I have stopped referring to msm outlets like the New York Times as newspapers, but rather I call them entertainment companies. Sounds like things in canada are no different.
It's definitely a sideshow.
I watched Trump on the All In Podcast. He said he thought the CIA probably killed Kennedy. And that he will release the JFK file immediately. I respect his candour on certain topics and hope he keeps his word.
He didn't explicitly say that. He implied that the CIA was behind not wanting the file released. Hopefully he does release it if he gets elected.
I’ve watched it back a few times, it’s at 47:14. It’s a bit ambiguous but I think you’re correct. He’s saying the CIA were probably behind stopping the release of the files - not behind the assassination. He dodged the question dammit. 😅
I guess we will find out if the files get released. I am sure if they do, they will be massively redacted.
anyone who has seen the debate must admit that it is irresponsible to give politicians so much money. it is high time to withdraw the funds from the clowns. It would be an act of human evolution.
The immediate response to this debate from the media and the left seems very coordinated. This was a ruse. Everyone knew Biden would look old and weak and not all there.
CNN conducted a snap poll and Trump winning by a huge margin.. is it true?
Seems coordinated means definitely coordinated
Why does the President need 5 days of debate preparation at Camp David?
Good question. You would think a sitting president who is in thick of things 24/7 would have a good idea of what he has done, what the important issues in the upcoming election are and the agenda he wants to run on. I am sure there is some prep involved but 5 days?
Especially for an unofficial debate before the all star break or July 4.
Presidential debates normally happen in October, after the summer conventions
Biden will call Trump a convicted felon at least 100 times.
His advisors want him to scream and sound like an angry old man
Biden stood nowhere close Trump's fart!!!
The world would be a better place if politicians stopped governing, so yes Biden and others can go play scrabble the people will thank you
I didn't watch it, it was 2 am here, but from this article (which may be biased too) it looks like it turned out quite differently.