By Connor O’Keeffe
It could very well be the case that the best chance Democrats have remains rallying behind Biden, the candidate that almost all of them now admit is not mentally fit to be in office.
I watched it this morning. Boy, that was quite the disaster. Things are looking up for my recent prediction that Biden will not be the nominee.
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That old man's wife should make him stop.
I think she's the one wanting him to stay in. She was campaigning for him today and egging him on like he's a toddler last night.
Reminds me of Fetterman when he was recovering from his stroke.
Then someone needs to stop her ass.
He’s the gravy train for that whole little cabal. No one with access to him has an incentive to put an end to this.
But they do! That train is at the end of the line!
They don’t have access to another train though.
At least that’s what I’m hearing from some of the independent journalists who are trying to explain what’s going on.
That makes sense... of the senseless.
Another thought I had after the debate.
All it took to expose what politics in the US really is was Trump. A brash, obscene, man with no shame came in and played dirty. He's mean and calls them names. He punches back. It quickly devolves into what it is. A naked grab for power.
The main thing that Trump has done that I approve of is exposing the lie of civility we are taught in schools. Politics is a blood sport. These people do not have ideals other than power. That isn't new. Trump just doesn't pretend like all before him have. This is the primary reason they hate him and say he's a threat to democracy.
He isn't really a threat to democracy. Democracy is a sham. He's a threat to the shared delusion of the one party state we live under. The one ruled by the power elite. The wealthy men that pay for all of this. As Carlin would call, the owners of the country.
Is Trump the answer? No. Is he the jerk that makes this more obvious? Yes.
representative democracy is indeed a sham, and democracy always leads to an all powerful centralized state.
This is very much something I've been saying for years. Trump exposed the Cult of Respectability and that's why they hate him.
He says the quiet parts out loud, like bragging about our tremendous arms deals with totalitarian dictators or talking about deploying the military to secure foreign oil fields. The fact that his policies aren't even different makes it worse for them, because he's giving the real reasons.
I honestly wish he would do more of that. I'm not even sure its intentional.
I'm very confident that it's unintentional. As much as Trump lies about dumb stuff that doesn't matter, I think he's the most honest president of my lifetime, in the sense that he says what he thinks.
It came out yesterday when he was talking about abortion. He kinda just went rambling because you could clearly tell he was uncomfortable with the topic, and at some point he even said, "Look, you gotta get elected". That's basically his stream of consciousness about abortion right there...
Its funny to me. The democrats criticize him for the reasons many people voted for him and will do it again. I have heard over and over that he picked justices that would overturn Roe. Yeah, he ran on that like every Republican in my lifetime did. But he actually vetted them apparently. Another way to look at it is he did what every democrat president has done. Picked justices that align with their party values.
Trump is a salesmen and businessman and applies that (good and bad) to politics. He's terrible at hiring people but is quick to fire. He makes absurd declarations and then softens. His whole presence in politics has been a massive IQ test for politicians and the voters and they seem to be failing.
Yeah, that's a great example. I've heard others kinda say the same thing. Ramaswamy was saying Trump asked him about CBDCs and what was the problem with them. Some of Trump's appeal is that he ISN'T well versed on a lot of topics. He says what a lot of people think, right or wrong. He says what most politicians would not say but may think.
What you see is what you get with Trump.
He doesn’t pretend to be someone he is not.
The guy from the Apprentice is the same guy who was in the White House.
Trump was part of a coordinated military effort to wake up the American people. As time moves forward, the opinion of Trump will shift from "Boy he was a dick, to Boy he was really a patriot that loved his country".
Is the US reluctance to talk with Putin due to its president unable to speak more than four words, let alone negotiate with an ex-KGB member?
No, it's because the left has become a completely impractical virtue signaling cult.
That entire debate was a mess and worse than I thought it would be.
Honestly, I am coming around to the idea the whole debate from the democrat side was a ruse to justify the swap.
Look at the coordinated media reaction afterwards. There were no apologists or pundits saying it wasn't that bad, Trump didn't do well either, it was coordinated knives out for Biden.
I still think a July switch is unlikely but the pressure will mount. Every day Biden doesn't step aside is a day the democrat and media machine will be gunning for him.
Here's the thing I was surprised by.
The media was actually not covering for him at all. They were saying that democrats in office are panicking. They were pointing out that there are discussions about making a switch. Now, I believe these conversations aren't new. There are likely many in the party leadership that want to give Joe the boot. But the media not pretending he's fit to do this job. That is new. Its a clear shift.
I think its 50/50 but before the debate I thought replacing him was a long shot.
If his health continues to decline then he won’t have a choice
Possible 25th amendment action
It sounds like they're already looking into that. I don't think that stops him from running, though.
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to declare the President unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, immediately transferring power to the Vice President as Acting President[1][2][3].
Specifically, Section 4 states:
"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."[3]
The President can contest this declaration, but the Vice President and Cabinet majority can persist. If they do, Congress must decide the issue within 21 days, requiring a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate to keep the Vice President as Acting President[1][2].
Section 4 has never been invoked, though its use was considered in 1973 during Watergate and in 1981 after the assassination attempt on Reagan[2][4]. Invoking it would be an unprecedented step to remove a sitting President against their will.
Sources [1] What you need to know about the 25th Amendment, Section 4 [2] Breaking down the 25th amendment: What you need to know [3] The 25th Amendment - Rock the Vote [4] What Is the 25th Amendment? A Simplified Guide [5] Twenty-fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
But that doesn't make him ineligible to run for president. They could remove him from office for the next few months, but some other process needs to happen if they want him to stop running for president.
I will be shocked if 25th amendment is invoked because it’s not necessary.
Didn’t Biden say he would be one term president in 2020?
Regarding the 25th, what if Kamala refuses to play along and forces Biden to retire or resign so she can be President lol
Again I will be shocked if Kamala leads the 25th amendment motion
I agree. Technically, Kamala already was the first female president, because she was the acting president while Biden was having some medical procedure.
The 25th amendment was passed in response to Woodrow Wilson and his wife.
Woodrow suffered a debilitating stroke in 1919 - he was incapacitated his last 18 months in office so the First Lady decided she is now in charge of the Oval Office and west wing. A de facto President while her husband was incapacitated physically and mentally
Right, but it doesn't make you ineligible to run for president, does it? It's just a removal procedure.
Succession and disability
It was ratified in 1967!
Maybe it had more to do with JFK assassination than Woodrow in 1920.
25th amendment section 4 can be used as a back door impeachment and conviction.
If you have the votes, then skip a trial and declare the President unfit to serve.
But that’s not the intent of the amendment.
Not surprisingly, no such removal or disability provision exists for Senators etc.
Fetterman had a stroke and recovered and now is a different person and politician
I thought the moderators came off as so neutral, compared to how nakedly partisan they've tended to be. That may have been part of the tank job. Removing the normal handicap Biden would have gotten made him look that much worse.
The moderators were pretty good.
Which is very suspicious
Anyone in the media being neutral and actually doing their job is indeed very suspicious. That's sad to say, but it's the truth.
Pretending to do their job
I agree. Otherwise, they would have leaned into the "Biden was sick" narrative.
My sense is that they've been trying to clear him from the board for a while in more subtle ways and this is what it escalated to.
Otherwise, they would have leaned into the "Biden was sick" narrative.
5 Surefire Ways To Tell If You Are A Racist That Hates The Environment.
  1. Cant distinguish between someone who has a cold vs someone too old to serve.
  2. Thinks using a calm, relaxed, 'inside-voice' is a sign of weakness
  3. Doesn't understand some people prefer to stare off into space while gathering their thoughts (note: Gandhi did this)
Haha. @thebitcoinbugle we need this article.
We turned it on before it started and the first person I see is Gavin Newsom talking to reporters. I see two possibilities.
  1. Dems replace Biden with Newsom
  2. Dems throw the election by doing nothing.
Newsom is what you expect from a political candidate. He's also terrible but that doesn't matter... clearly. Newsom could run circles around most politicians. He's quick, slick, and smart. He's a terrible governor and will make a terrible president. I think he will be one. Either in this election or the next one.
Looks like Newsom has the perfect CV to run the country then, oversized ambition and proven incompetence he is the right pick
He's also tall and looks like a serial killer... aka the complete package.
Lot of hair products
Some pundits I watch brought up an interesting point. They don't think the top Democrat alternatives like Newsom and Whitmer want to run. Instead, they have their eyes set on 2028, where they think the path will be easier. They'd rather sacrifice their party this cycle than run now when the chances are lower.
Newsom positioned himself by hosting Xí Jìnpíng, politicians are not famous for being patient or thinking long term I would be surprised if it was to wait for four more years
That seems a little odd to me, too. However, if they think this presidential term is going to be a trainwreck, then it's better to let the opposition party have it. Let the public get pissed at them and swoop in as the savior later.
Anything's possible. I think they'd at least want to be the one who stepped in for Joe in 2024, so that they'd have a head start in 2028.
Seems like the two most likely options.
I've thought for a long time now that they're happy to lose this one and let Trump deal with the looming economic crisis (which the Fed will make a point of allowing).
Now I think that's maybe a 50% chance. If they don't give Biden the boot or at least try to they are throwing it for Trump.
Their big problem now is that they also have to skip over Kamala somehow.
Oh god, I don't even want to imagine how toxic a Kamala vs. Trump election would get....
Exactly! They have two problems. Jill Biden and Kamala.
The party of diversity and feminism prefers the opposite
They will have to pay her off or blackmail
Kamala is very ambitious. She ran in 2020 but suspended her campaign before Iowa.
I think that's right. They can buy her out or offer her a Supreme Court spot or something like that. It should be doable.
Can you imagine... her on the supreme court? Just hearings would be comedy gold.
I mean, didn't Sotomayor already say that she couldn't say what a woman is because she's not a biologist?
The debate was a disaster for Biden, but it may be what saves the country. Now, everyone can see for themselves that Biden's mental decline wasn't just a right-wing conspiracy.
Up til now, the Democrats and their media propagandists have been able to get away with shouting conspiracy because:
  1. Most people don't pay attention to daily politics.
  2. Many people are inclined to trust the mainstream institutions and distrust the noise coming from alternative sources online.
Now, the mainstream media can no longer run interference for Biden. His mental decline is now known, experientially, to everyone. My hope is that people realize the degree to which they've been gaslit and wake up that mainstream institutions cannot be trusted.
I haven't heard from my Democrat relatives, yet. I'm curious how they reacted.
I fully believe that Biden should not run for any office... a senile person who has been lost in space and time in public on several occasions... should not have the reins of a power like the United States...
140 sats \ 1 reply \ @guts 28 Jun
This is planned all along, bread and circus for Americans.
The cynics are winning.
I watched it live and can confirm that he was even unable to properly stand. It was as if someone was forcefully put into some situation which he never wanted to be in. He was stuttering, faltering with facts and even went on to talk about having an handicap in Golf.
While, Trump not the best of his self but he looked way younger and more energetic than Joe!
Trump is an old dude but he seems much younger than Biden. I felt myself having sympathy for Biden. It wasn't even fair honestly. The election says far more about the state of the US than it does about either of these men. The fact that this is actually supposed to be what we believe the US is about... that should tell you something.
Anyone who believes that Biden is actually governing... I question their mental state.
Biden is definitely not governing. He can't even speak and now when the world knows it, I highly suspect his chances of even making it to the elections. There will be many voices inside democrats that will sharply ask for a replacement now..
He is really struggling. He is just old. Its time to let some young blood into the office.
People do not relinquish the Ring of Power.
Yeah, I noticed. Its not like he is getting to enjoy the power anyway. He isnt mentally sound enough.
We're seeing it with so many of that generation of Democrat. They're going senile and dying while still in office.
I think it must be more about their families and staffs wanting to stay connected to power through them.
American politics has become a joke. Look at how many older and inept guys are in office. Even in the senate and house.
If Biden were elected president in the next elections, I doubt very much that he would finish his term being able to articulate 3 to 4 words in a row, it is an insult to a country like the US to have a president with such diminished mental functions...