Seems like SN has died a little, maybe a Woo Weekend is a good idea?
I'm back in Kathmandu here the past 2-3 days, a place for some good, old style Woo :-)
From the room I can hear those deep, earthquake-like Tibetan trumpets, and several times each day I've been walking around Boudhanath, which is the really large stupa here.
It got off to a very good start, I met an old, experienced photographer who is now spending half his days sitting at a coffee shop right by the stupa, talking to anyone who wants to join. I spent around 4 hours in one go the first day, talking about anything and everything like old friends, and with Buddhism and meaningful things as the topic weaving into anything else.
This is a place that attracts so many different types of people, from the bewildered Westerners to all sorts of monks or practitioners of old traditions, today we saw a young, very composed Taoist priest walking by :-)
Here its also fine talking to anything about almost any topic, there are few limits compared to the mental box most live inside of in the West. So far I have not had the opportunity to getting into alien disclosure and deep Woo like that, but there is also no hurry.
Buddhism actually has no problem with that at all, actually the cosmology of most Buddhist variants includes life on lots of other planets, as far as I know at least!
Other topics come to mind when I'm here, I've already posted about non-dual experiences, maybe kundalini awakenings or memories of earlier lives would fit well this weekend?
Any other topics that deserves a good Woo Weekend? ;-)
ask him about governments and his thoughts about it! Looking forward to hearing his (and your) response(s)
Oh we've been through that, but its just dark and not too much Woo in there... ;-)
I think we agree that this is our common problem too, just gotta deal with it somehow as emigrees...
Well, if you believe being a emigree 🤌 anyway, what about 🟠bitcoin? and btw, what do you mean by Woo?
Of course, Bitcoin is what makes much of this possible in the first place!
But believe it or not, Bitcoin is rather boring and mundane when you take a birds eyes view of everything... Its a good tool, that is for sure :-)
What is Woo? That can't be agreed upon by definition I guess!?
Spelled with a capital it should point towards anything outside of the box emerging the recent years online, this territory is a good example I guess...
Here at almost any topic is well received, so anything you post will be well received, I love the UFO and alien theme, so I look forward to your posts about it.
Thanks, and yeah its great, finally somewhere that has that audience and no shitty censorship!
Aliens are here to stay for sure... But I guess my mind will be on the old, very human traditions and experiences for now!
Oh and the odd street dog now & then ;-)
I think censorship always comes to the place where the masses are, as long as we stay a little under the radar, I think we can get around censorship, I hope they don't find the cave where we are hiding! hahaha
Nepal is a Hindu country, BTW. I'm living very close to Nepal and know that it's not one of those places where you can say -
Here its also fine talking to anything about almost any topic.
They just don't mind because they are dependant on Tourism so much.
I would like to read about Buddhist cosmology. It is quite broad, it talks about kingdoms, planes, the cycle of death, rebirth and the causes or conditions of reincarnation.
That is something I need to do too... Never studied that part, although I've read some mind boggling descriptions! The cosmology as in planets and other solar systems, I mean.
As for the realms that is kinda more practical and not too hard to imagine. An interesting thing is that I've seen texts describing shared karmic visions within realms, like humans having very different experiences from each others in groups.
That is certainly something that I'm literally living here btw, something in me just feels home...
The shared karmic vision does sound interesting, looking forward for that one.
Ajahn Punnadhammo has covered some cosmology, and also has good, non-woke takes on many things :-)
Edit: I see that the cosmology videos are not shared there any longer... He seem to have scrubbed Bitchute too, unfortunately
I find the subject of reincarnation fascinating and I believe that some people can remember past lives to some degree. If you have any good documentary links on this subject throw them here and I’ll take a look.
That fits in perfectly right now :-)
Will do a separate thread, think that will be better...