Whereas the republic constitution is like 2-3 pages?
As an outsider, that's what I think is the root of the problem. You guys have one of the best constitutions on paper. I mean, it's following the KISS principle 1 but the so-called legislators buried you with so many laws that basically cut off the fundamental rights given by your constitution.
Well, my read from outside could be wrong (@siggy47 might be the proper one to talk about it), but that's how I feel when I watch the current state of the US.
P.S. Brazilians are screwed in many other forms, so I'm not trying to say we have it better here. 😅


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You're absolutely right, but many Americans attended the FREE "Public School System," including myself, and are not “educated” in this manner.
This is the price of FREE, to keep you numb and dumb. Entertained with Football sprinkled under the banner of freedom.