So, it seems like you're reporting all this from ground zero?
For me the only important thing about Milei is when he proposes to adopt Bitcoin.
So, it seems like you're reporting all this from ground zero?
Yes of course, I live in Argentina :)
For me the only important thing about Milei is when he proposes to adopt Bitcoin.
An he means it, but he is taking a stronger approach to it, by looking to enable free competition of currencies, which is the proper stand for all cases.
Best thing would be if politicians do not touch anything. The only thing necessary is having level playing fields in this case for money, to let evolution fo its work. Politicians are getting too much attention and leverage to intervene in our lives!
Saludos a Argentina
Exactly, that's why Javier takes orthodox libertarian approaches as much as he can. He openly confesses being an anarchic-capitalist at hearth. So he do not wants the state to have a saying on anything regarding currencies, nor to ban nor to allow anything on that regard, so a free currency system is actually a ban to the state itself to not to intervene on those matters.
Leftists are protesting
They hate Javier
Why is this unsettling for you
Usual behaviour. They need another form of education
Lots of takes, what interests you specifically?
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 1 Jul
That's what I like. But people need to translate this into their everyday lives to prevent the next commie to destroy the achievements again. We'll see
To avoid that, to underpin this new culture under a sole, simple, coherent and compelling narrative, is our challenge and the one I'm focussing on.
Hayek wrote a book about the denationalisation of currency. No government monopoly on currency
Exactly. A land of the free, a home of the brave.
It seems so obvious to think about money on BTC terms, that I can't process much the idea that Hayek had to write a book to justify it
Dollar 💵 first then bitcoin
Exactly Sr
40 percent poverty rate in Argentina
There are bigger priorities than bitcoin adoption
Actually that's the reason the adoption started so early here. Bitcoin has been a mean of survival for many, both for its valuation and its ability to avoid the claws of the state. That's why we have really cool apps here to operate with BTC in our everyday lives like if the adoption had already happened. I'm personally living that way since 2/3 years ago
Do you use tether?
Yes, USDT is the de-facto standard. But I prefer to keep everything BTC, I don't keep money on USDT for too long, DCA is very efficient
Can you estimate how many retailers have integrated Lightning?
If you mean apps, all in existence for now: Binance, Lemon and Belo.
deleted by author
Which wallet do you use?
Spend tether Hold bitcoin
Since I try to save in btc as much as possible, I end up spending btc more often (still to my net benefit)
I use Binance, Belo, Lemon, and for a pure wallet, Muun. It's actually a breeze to use crypto here, we are startled at how restricted crypto is in the USA, where we would expect it to be even more easy to use than here
I think you would like aqua wallet
I recently stopped using Muun because I have too many wallet apps lol
Aqua looks good so far, indeed.
I will keep it in mind! For now Belo, Lemon and Binance cover all needs. The most important characteristic of Belo and Lemon is that they give you a debit card that allows you to spend crypto anywhere directly. Muun is great in that it's a pure btc non-custodial wallet. I also got Zeus for zapping. So, for now, all needs covered. But I always keep an eye on this other options like yours as backup