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Even if Le Pen were to achieve an absolute majority in the second round of voting, I expect her to do the Meloni and immediately drop decisive reform steps such as leaving the eurozone. i think that i am unlikely to change anything in European politics
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As long as she can deliver on closing the border
you want to close the border ?
Close the border and also deport
why ?
Third world immigration is ruining France and Europe and USA
Islam is not compatible with western values and culture
Third world immigration is ruining France and Europe and USA Are you french ?
Islam is not compatible with western values and culture why that ?
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haven't you seen how the big cities in europe and their suburbs are now partly on fire? the welfare start of northern europe attracts these people and thus eats away at itself. these societies are systematically destabilized by illegal emigration. and this in the midst of the demographic catastrophe they find themselves in.
are you french ?
Look what happens in Holland now...nothing. it's all fake
Have they formed a coalition? I haven’t been following Wilders
Yes, Wilders did it. And now.... silencio