What does it matter how long you have been here or who you are? We will be happy to read your thoughts.
The truth here is : people value creators over content. You can make original post and still lose in engagement compared to the old formula (long rant bitcoin good fiat bad post)
No wonder @ runningbitcoin hasn't make another post anymore, Darth countlessly said ppl don't read his stuff regardless of how good the guides he wrote, i'm losing interest making Memory & Directory posts cause who cares to read anyway
The truth here is : people value creators over content.
Isn't the algorithm re-enforcing that?
Like @ek wrote elsewhere:
Reputation increases the chance that someone will even read your content
You mean you've realized that reputation here is more important than your content?
I think this is very interesting. I enjoy posting, but I have noticed my post always seem to make me negative. The comments usually have 3x,4x, and 5x the amount the post gets.
16 sats \ 2 replies \ @gmd 1 Jul
I see this same phenomenon on reddit. Topic with 30 upvotes, top comments with order of magnitude more upvotes.
I think people open topics in a new tab, engage with comments then forget to upvote the topic itself.
The difference is that on Reddit you're not giving any monetary value with the upvote's action, which is even worse.
16 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 1 Jul
Reddit karma is priceless!
You can verify my words
I trust you
It’s a catch 22
You build reputation via quality posts and comments
What am I missing?
I do not care about reputation of the creators, what i care is what content they can deliver.
Reputation increases the chance that someone will even read your content
I remember seeing your posts and zapping you... And even replying.... I just checked.
Everyone has their own vision of things, I don't care if you have made a low quality post, if the next one is good and of higher quality I will zap you accordingly, regardless if your other posts were not as good, we are all here to learn...
I believe this is true for everyone. Just learn from my posts!
that is, we all start from one point, no one is born wise
I’m glad you posted about immigration yesterday. It was my first time chatting with you. Good chat 💬
I also appreciated it a lot, I learned a lot of things, that is the key, good debate, we will have more talks :)
Actually, your posts to 100x better than mine lol
Why did people not read and zap running bitcoin content?
I have not seen him or her recently