I did not realize that territories could opt out of freebies. That's a huge difference.
I do realize it's a feature, but when someone abuses it, at the very least, SN is getting screwed a bit.
(I'm thinking mainly of that one person who abused freebies to post links to his medium articles over and over.)
When there was some spam in ~crypto, I thought about letting territory founders control fees per stacker. This means that they could increase (or decrease) the fee for individual stackers. So they would have two controls to combat spam: base fee + individual fee.
But I am not sure if I ever even told @k00b about this.
Maybe we could also disable freebie on a user-by-user basis.
Registering a new account would defeat this mechanism but maybe it's still effective to some degree. It could be part of a defense-in-depth strategy.
Medium? He should be excommunicated