You are Guatemalan? Only joking, I know Guam is not Guatemala. What do they call people from Guam?
How is Korean baby-shopping tourism in Guam these days?
First Korean women need to get pregnant which is a rare occurrence
Korean birth tourism to Guam has been a growing phenomenon in recent years. Many pregnant Korean women travel to Guam, a U.S. territory, to give birth and obtain U.S. citizenship for their children[1][4][5].
There are several reasons why Korean women choose Guam for birth tourism:
  1. Obtaining U.S. citizenship for their children, which is seen as a status symbol and can provide educational and immigration benefits[1][5].
  2. Guam's proximity to Korea and the ability to stay for up to 15 days without a visa[5].
  3. The presence of birth tourism agencies in Korea that help arrange flights, hospital stays, and translators for pregnant women[1][5].
  4. The lower costs compared to giving birth on the U.S. mainland[5].
However, Korean birth tourism in Guam has faced some opposition. U.S. conservative groups argue it is a "loophole" that allows backdoor immigration, while some Koreans see it as unpatriotic[1]. The U.S. government has also cracked down on birth tourism in recent years[5].
In 2012, there were more births to Chinese tourists in the nearby Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands than to the indigenous population, with Korean births also increasing[4]. While birth tourism provides an economic boost to the region, there are concerns about the long-term implications for the children's identities and potential chain migration[4].
Sources [1] Birth Tourism in South Korea – DW – 12/19/2008 [2] Korean in 'Saipan baby' scheme gives birth - Marianas Variety [3] What method East Asian (Korean, Jap, Chinese) immigrate to Guam ... [4] More Birth-Tourism Births Than Indigenous Births in CNMI [5] Women going to Guam, Canada to give birth - Korea JoongAng Daily
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 1 Jul
Oh wow, the country is actually very diverse! "People. Native Guamanians, ethnically called Chamorros, are of basically Malayo-Indonesian descent with a considerable admixture of Spanish, Filipino, Mexican, and other European and Asian ancestries."
Aye, aye!