Hi All - I was thinking about the sacrifices I have made over the years to get to where I am at today. I reflect on what I have done well, and what I could have done better - and am generally reflecting on every step of the way.
Throughout the past 3-4 years when I discovered Bitcoin, I have done several things to ensure I could optimize my stack. The first was I never bought a fancy car or a nice house. I knew that these are the two most expensive things that people tend to buy, and lock up capital/move it to a depreciating asset.
I've found a landlord where I can get rent 40% below market rate, and while it isn't in the best part of town - it is good enough. It would be nice to live in an area that is a little nicer one day, but I love the level of stacking I can do right now so I am pretty happy. This is a sacrifice due to the neighborhood, but also as I know several people that make much less than me, appear and live much larger than my family.
The next thing I started to do was take up a leadership role in the company and have to work in a cubicle environment. While this isn't perfect, I am pushing through in a short time and mining as much fiat as I can to convert it to Bitcoin. The office culture is bad, and the expectations are high - but in the end, I am doing this for something bigger than myself - my family, and future generations and to support different projects around the Bitcoin space.
This leads me to wonder, what are the biggest sacrifices you have made since you got into Bitcoin? Are there experiences/things you regretted not buying because you were focusing on your stack? What would you do differently?
My two vices are eating out and having the weekend drink(s). I know these two things aren't helping, and I am doing everything I can to eliminate/reduce!
I got into bitcoin because I literally didn't know what I should do with my spare money.
I keep stacking because I still mostly don't know what else I should do with it.
So I don't feel like I sacrificed anything. 🤔
Same actually
Freebie post?
Most of our large expenses were already locked in when I started stacking. We’re looking into downsizing and cost cutting, but it’s financially complicated.
I’ve mostly just cut back on discretionary expenditures, like snacks and video games, which is undoubtedly good for me anyway.
My wife wants to move to a bigger house. She suggested we just rent a bigger house and rent our house out and at first I was thinking “nah that just sounds like a pain in the ass” but then I started thinking “why don’t we just sell our house”. I will use the proceeds to pay for a couple years of rent in the bigger place and then put the rest in bitcoin. My parents want to downsize in a couple years so when they want to move we can move into their house.
I am now seriously considering this idea.
Yea, alot of people I know that say "we will rent out the original and move into a bigger home" don't know all the downstream implications of doing this. It can be another job depending on the tenant.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @jp305 2 Jul
Always depend if you want to keep a larger share of profit, but then you have to get involved a lot more... The best is to have teenagers that will mow the lawn for a fraction of what a maintenance company would charge, but then you have to manage the teenager :P
Video games are one of my crutches too.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 2 Jul
I haven’t gotten a haircut since 2019. My wife trims my hair when it gets too long.
you have a great attitude, especially your bit about cubicle life. I share most of these things with you, but for the cubicle. I hope you have some sort of tome at your desk that reminds you what your sacrifice is worth. If you don't, I'll make one. just a thought
A new car and a big house.
Basically my biggest sacrifice is the present for the future. Sacrificed food where I can. For example instead of buying peanuts I buy bananas. Sacrificed the place where I live also, it has been now almost 10 years with not so much holidays, not going outside often, not buying clothes where I can (I wait for holes to really become big). I try to avoid also living in rich countries and favor poor countries. With currency arbitrage we can save quite a bit. So not going to the US to pay a $1000 rent for example hahaha.
A lot if time! Going down the bitcoin rabbit hole makes people dive into so many different topics, so I'd say a lot of time spent on education at the expense of regular normie activities
I have not purchased any new clothes or travel
My car is from 2009
I'm all in Bitcoin with my Pocket Money.
Downsizing everything, living in smaller house but good location for better quality of life, to save time and to be able to walk everywhere almost (and save from public transport). Can walk to work also. Sold car and scooter 2021. Canceled all subscriptions, yt and spotify free versions are ok, even if annoying with ads, netflix sharing with 2 other families, audible cancel and can get offer for 3 months with half price, spotify same,
Doing free activities like walking and hiking near home. Not buying new clothes, etc all new things and specially gadgets i think i need
Realised i can work much less stressful job half time and dedicate more time for my physical and mental health
Big saving eating healthy, specially dont use food delivery and eating out, still once a month like dating night, it is enough
Then you realise and accept what you have already is enough and learned to be grateful, it really helps.
And like knut grandfather said: if you dont desire that lambo anymore or whatever, anymore, you already own it.
Instead of books, there is podcasts like What Bitcoin Did or just listening Saylor and shitposting in X
All good things in life are free! Or almost
Good luck!
I moved to a cheaper country.
My family no longer believe me !
They dont take me seriously, and they think I am childish that need to grow up even I am the oldest among them :D
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