Everyone is different and looks for different things. For example, those on keto and low-carb diets like myself actually welcome fats, albeit specific ones. I also prefer animal proteins (meat, eggs) to plant ones. There can't be one score that fits everyone.
What I'd like to see is an open source system where I can scan a label on a product and my phone translates it through my personal "nutri-matrix" and outputs my personalized score for that product.
Everyone indeed has different nutritional needs but not to the extent that most people think. The issue is that the human body is capable of running on such a wide range of food before you run into issues that it's difficult to determine what is optimal for most people just by asking them.
I'm in the "eat what our ancestors ate for thousands of years" camp, we are all to a greater extent optimized for that diet.
One size must fit everyone I insist