It's Mystery for Governments for sure. Governments are "lame", they can't stop this revolutionary magical money that provides us freedom to use it as property, commodity or currency.
Let's see what @Undisciplined, @siggy47 and @kepford have to say about this definition.
I just picked "money" and had the same thinking as @TNStacker #595232.
Real money is an amazing social technology. Many good things are downstream of real money, just like many bad things are downstream of fiat money.
@ek and/or @k00b, I'm getting a "retry payment" even though my wallet is amply funded.
I just paid it with my connected Alby wallet.
When you comment?
It only happened on the one comment, so far. #595368
I clicked "retry payment" several times, but it just kept bringing up the QR code.
Shipped a fix. Let me know if it happens again.
Prior to the fix, when paying with the custodial wallet, all errors were assumed to be due to insufficient funds. So you probably experienced a transient wallet-unrelated error, and we mistakenly fell back to non-custodial.
Thanks, that should give me enough to go on.
Yes, this is mystery for governments.