If WWII was unnecessary it was still inevitable because of the Versailles treaty aiming at crushing Germany until the end of times. WWI was even more unnecessary as its catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, honestly who cares? But warmongers like those we have today jumped on the proxy war game and escalation train, they anticipated a few weeks of conflict but ended after four years of bloodbath in trenches, they had no idea what fiat money could accomplish
Mistakes were made during the 1930s.
Rhineland was a missed opportunity because France had the military edge and Hitler would have been humiliated and forced to resign as Chancellor.
Munich 1938 was a mistake but not because of appeasement: giving Hitler territory, Sudetenland, changed the balance of power from Britain and France to Germany, the path to ruin.
More the case that France and Britain teamed up behind Hitler. Czech could have beaten Germany, but was not able to fight all three. You may enjoy reading Carroll Quigley on this topic. What we are taught in school veers from the truth. Hence Churchill calling it the "unnecessary" war. He was very careful with words. It actually could not have happened without the intervention of the Conservative government, which is what infuriated Churchill so much. But after 190 years, that government will come to and today.
Chamberlain screwed and abandoned Czech